Most adults will suffer from infections, impaction, resorption gum disease or decay due to their wisdom teeth - in their lifetime. These teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 21.
Wisdom teeth infections feel like a deep, dull ache in the back of the jaw. Occasionally, the pain can spread toward other teeth, the front of the jaw, the ear or the temples. They can also cause the lymph nodes around the neck and jaws to become swollen and tender and even occasionally spread in the body to cause more serious infections.
Adults now, have small jaws relative to the number of teeth we have. As wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop, it leaves them very little room to grow in our jawbones. This results in wisdom teeth being impacted and getting stuck in the jaw bone in an irregular position. When wisdom teeth do come through the gums, the irregular positioning can create deep gum pockets around the wisdom teeth. These pockets then collect food particles and infection producing bacteria (called pericoronitis). Pericoronitis can be treated by removal of the bacteria with deep gum cleaning or by extraction.
Wisdom teeth can also create problems when they grow forwards into the neighbouring teeth, resulting in decay or root damage to these healthy neighbouring teeth. This may result in the loss of these teeth too and lead to other orthodontic issues such as misaligned teeth and a ‘bad bite’.
As problems, such as recurrent infections the surround wisdom teeth, usually the best solution is wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom teeth removal is a relatively common procedure, h owever, the degree of complexity of the extractions varies enormously. Whilst some people can have their wisdom teeth removed quickly, easily and painlessly under local anaesthetic, others may have to have their extractions performed under general anaesthesia in a hospital setting.
Our experienced dentists at Garden City Dental Practice can assess your wisdom teeth and advise the most appropriate options for you. Depending on the problem, the degree of impaction, the size, shape and position of the teeth and the number of teeth to be removed.
These options should be discussed with our team and you will be provided will all the necessary information to feel comfortable with your procedure.
Generally, it’s easiest to get your wisdom tooth surgery out of the way before you pursue other dental treatment, cosmetic, orthodontic, or otherwise. This is because removing wisdom teeth that are unhealthy or impacted can make your mouth healthier and create a better oral environment that improves the chances of success for future dental procedures.
Additionally, wisdom tooth removal is easier to do when you’re younger and the wisdom teeth aren’t completely formed and also the bones are not fully mineralised as they are still developing having a softer structure. This is because wisdom teeth develop strong roots that anchor deep in the bone tissue over time making them harder to remove.
Call the team at Garden City Dental Practice.
Garden City Dental Practice offers Wisdom Tooth Removal in Toowoomba.
Contact our team to see how we can help you with wisdom tooth removal today!
No additional charge on Saturday appointments.
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